
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Tomahawk Visitors

The tomahawk attracts many visitors and usually a photo. Yesterday visiting archivists were no different. However, my Blackberry's camera does not take good photos. Yes, it really is them!

Jane Dalley (Dalley-Froggatt Heritage Conservation Services, Winnipeg) and Cameron Hart (Sask Archives and Archivists Advisor) were visiting our archives and museum.
We are very fortunate to have had both professionals here to advise us on establishing our archives so we can make our special collections more accessible to everyone.
Thanks, Jane and Cam!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Summer, Beautiful Summer

The summer has been a lovely one. Early mornings are bright with sunshine and promise of warm enticing afternoons.
The museum is humming along with a hired manager this year. It is so nice to have someone look after the everyday running of it. Our two student staff members have also been very busy re-finishing hardwood floors in our buildings. The buildings look great! And it helps to freshen up the smell in them too.
Time gets eaten up at the museum.
Every time I go to the museum to try and get a project completed, something else presents itself that needs immediate attention.
Yesterday was no exception. I was going to put up the curtains in the living room of the Duvall House, but needed an innovative fix for the period curtain rod that I wanted to use. I went looking in all the nooks and crannies that things hide there and made a hair-raising discovery that had nothing to do with hanging window coverings. Exciting, hair-raising discovery.
Very significant, historical tapes that I had no idea were on the museum site.
More on this later. Suffice it to say that the past keeps popping up in Clayton's Collection. What insight he had in the research that he did 40 to 50 years ago.
Now back to the curtains that need some sewing adjustments for length and I still don't have a fix for the rod. Gonna have to work on my sewing and carpentry skills. Or better yet, volunteer recruitment?