
Saturday, May 8, 2010

Duvall House Cleaning Bee

A volunteer group met at the Duvall House today to work on woodwork and upstairs floors.
As well a group of Grade 10 Work Experience boys also helped out with this and other jobs at the museum. Each year we are most grateful to have these young people come and spend time doing work for us. We are also grateful to Marcy for organizing the crew.
The woodwork still needs some more work but having the water turned on in the washrooms now means that we won't have to haul water so far! Yay! Also bathroom breaks are a bit simpler.
Nasty pigeons left a lasting legacy of 'you know what' for us to deal with as the windows were broken in the house before we moved it to the museum site. Lots of water and elbow grease are our weapons against the acidic droppings.
Sure hope we can have the building ready for a grand opening this year.