Looking forward to hearing Sask Historian, Bill Waiser, speak about the events of 1885 tomorrow nite at the Cut Knife Elks Theatre (7 pm). Hope to see you there.
This 125th anniversary of the 1885 events is being acknowledged throughout the western provinces. From Frog Lake , Frenchman Butte, and Fort Pitt to Fort Battleford, Duck Lake, Fish Creek, Batoche, Humboldt Telegraph, to Stony Mountain Peniteniary and others in between. Check out the Trails of 1885 website for more details.
The Year of the Metis is also being celebrated this year in Sask.
So many great things going on right here in Saskatchewan.
Closer to home, Poundmaker Historical Center will be the center of a re-enactment of the Battle of Cut Knife Creek on July 2nd.